+49 75 42 - 9335 0
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Force measuring pin
Force measuring pin MEMS
Force measuring pin MOP
X-Y load pin
Tubular load cell
Tension load cell
Rod end load cell
Force sensor washer
Compression load cell
Support jack load cell
Normal force sensor
Measuring block
Shear force sensor
Angle sensor MEMS
Pressure transducer
Pressure transducer abrasive
Sensors for areas subject to explosion hazards
Bearing force sensor
Electronic Weighing System
Electronic Overload System
Offshore and Maritime
Construction industry
Container Handling
Mechanical engineering
Special applications
Manufacturing and assembly
Development and construction
Career at BROSA
Job offers
In this area we offer the possibility to download all current information:
Datasheets for inquiry
Inquiry form 0101 SKS-0206-0210-0230-0250 BROSA General
Inquiry form 0201-0206 BROSA MEMS addendum
Inquiry form 0101 BROSA Compression load cell
Inquiry form 0110 BROSA Rod end load cell
Inquiry form 0111-0113 BROSA Tension load cell
Inquiry form 0120 BROSA Force sensor washer
Inquiry form 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin
Inquiry form 0301-0310 BROSA Pressure transducers
Inquiry form 0656 BROSA FlexLim System
Questionnaire for repair
Data sheet 0101 BROSA compression load cell
Data sheet 0101 BROSA support jack load cell
Data sheet 0110 BROSA rod end load cell
Data sheet 0111 BROSA tension load cell
Data sheet 0120 BROSA force sensor washer
Data sheet 0201 BROSA force measuring pin MEMS
Data sheet 0201 BROSA force measuring pin
Data sheet 0201 BROSA force measuring pin MOP
Data sheet 0201 BROSA X-Y load pin
Data sheet 0206 BROSA tubular load cell
Data sheet 0207 BROSA bearing force sensor
Data sheet 0210 BROSA shear force sensor
Data sheet 0230 BROSA measuring block
Data sheet 0250 BROSA normal force sensor
Data sheet 0301 BROSA pressure transducer
Data sheet 0310 BROSA pressur transducer abrasive
Data sheet 0656 BROSA overloadsystem
Data sheet 0656 BROSA weighingsystem
Data sheet 0804 BROSA angle sensor MEMS
Data sheet 0910 BROSA A-2-B_switch
GSDML V2.3 BROSA KMA0201 20231011
CANopen (Safety)
CANopenConfigurator setup v1.0.0
Declaration of Conformity
Konformitätserklärung 0101 BROSA Kraftmessdose
Konformitätserklärung 0110 BROSA Kraftmessstab
Konformitätserklärung 0111 BROSA Kraftmesslasche
Konformitätserklärung 0113 BROSA Kraftmesslasche
Konformitätserklärung 0120 BROSA Kraftmessring
Konformitätserklärung 0201 BROSA Kraftmessachse
Konformitätserklärung 0203 BROSA Kraftmessachse
Konformitätserklärung 0205 BROSA Kraftmesshülse_Ex-d
Konformitätserklärung 0206 BROSA Kraftmesshülse
Konformitätserklärung 0207 BROSA Lagerkraftaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0210 BROSA Scherkraftaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0230 BROSA Kraftmessblock
Konformitätserklärung 0250 BROSA Normalkraftaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0301 BROSA Druckaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0310 BROSA Druckaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0320 BROSA Druckaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0401 BROSA Temperaturaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0606 BROSA Verstärker im Gehäuse
Konformitätserklärung 0620 BROSA Grenzwertschalter
Konformitätserklärung 0656 BROSA FlexLim safe
Konformitätserklärung 0701 BROSA Drehmomentaufnehmer
Konformitätserklärung 0801 BROSA Winkelsteller
Konformitätserklärung 0804 BROSA Winkelgeber
Konformitätserklärung 0813 BROSA Winkelgeber
Konformitätserklärung 0910 BROSA Hubendschalter
Declaration of conformity 0101 BROSA Compression load cell_EN
Declaration of conformity 0110 BROSA Rod end load cell_EN
Declaration of conformity 0111 BROSA Tension load cell_EN
Declaration of conformity 0113 BROSA Tension load cell Ex d_EN
Declaration of conformity 0120 BROSA Force sensor washer_EN
Declaration of conformity 0201 BROSA Force measuring pin_EN
Declaration of conformity 0203 BROSA Force measuring pin Ex d_EN
Declaration of Conformity 0205 BROSA Tubular load cell Ex d
Declaration of conformity 0206 BROSA Tubular load cell_EN
Declaration of conformity 0207 BROSA Bearing force sensor_EN
Declaration of conformity 0210 BROSA Shear force sensor_EN
Declaration of conformity 0230 BROSA Force measuring block_EN
Declaration of conformity 0250 BROSA Normal force sensor_EN
Declaration of conformity 0301 BROSA Pressure transducer_EN
Declaration of conformity 0310 BROSA Pressure transducer abrasive mediums_EN
Declaration of conformity 0320 BROSA High pressure transducer_EN
Declaration of Conformity 0401 BROSA Temperature sensor_EN
Declaration of conformity 0606 BROSA Amplifier in housing_EN
Declaration of Conformity 0620 BROSA Limit switch_EN
Declaration of conformity 0656 BROSA FlexLim Safe_EN
Declaration of conformity 0701 BROSA Torque sensor_EN
Declaration of Conformity 0801 BROSA_Angle transducer
Declaration of Conformity 0804 BROSA Angle sensor
Declaration of conformity 0813 BROSA Angle transducer MEMS Ex d_EN
Declaration of Conformity 0910 BROSA A-2-B Switch_EN
Declaration of conformity 0320 BROSA High pressure transducer_EST
0101 KMD Declaration of conformity 01-22 FI
0201 KMA Declaration of conformity 01-22 FI
0203 KMA Declaration of conformity 01-22 FI
0606 VIG Declaration of conformity 01-22 FI
Declaration of conformity 0111 BROSA Tension load cell_FR
Declaration of conformity 0113 BROSA Tension load cell Ex d_FR
Declaration of conformity 0111 BROSA Tension load cell_IT
Declaration of conformity 0113 BROSA Tension load cell Ex d_IT
Declaration of conformity 0203 BROSA Force measuring pin Ex_IT
Declaration of conformity 0813 BROSA Angle transducer MEMS Ex d_IT
Declaration of conformity BROSA Force measuring pin_IT
Declaration of conformity 0101 BROSA Compression load cell_NL
Declaration of conformity 0111 BROSA Tension load cell_NL
Declaration of conformity 0113 BROSA Tension load cell_NL
Declaration of conformity 0120 BROSA Force sensor washer_NL
Declaration of conformity 0201 BROSA Force measuring pin_NL
Declaration of conformity 0203 BROSA Force measuring pin Ex d_NL
Declaration of conformity 0206 BROSA Tubular load cell_NL
Declaration of conformity 0210 BROSA Shear force sensor_NL
Declaration of conformity 0301 BROSA Pressure transducer_NL
Declaration of conformity 0310 BROSA Pressure transducer abrasive mediums_NL
Declaration of conformity 0320 BROSA Force sensor washer_NL
Declaration of conformity 0606 BROSA Amplifier in housing_NL
Declaration of conformity 0804 BROSA Angle transducer_NL
Declaration of conformity 0813 BROSA Angle transducer_NL
Declaration of conformity 0910 BROSA A-2-B switch_NL
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measiuring pin_NO
Operating manual 0910 BROSA A-2-B switch_NO
Declaration of conformity 0120 BROSA Force sensor washer_PL
Declaration of conformity 0201 BROSA Force measurin pin_SWE
Declaration of conformity 0203 BROSA Force measuring pin Ex d_SWE
Declaration of conformity 0201 BROSA Force measuring pin_SLO
Declaration of conformity 0111 BROSA Tension load cell_ES
Declaration of conformity 0201 BROSA Force measuring pin_ES
Declaration of conformity 0203 BROSA Force measuring pin Ex d_ES
Deklaration of conformity 0113 BROSA Tension load cell Ex_ES.
Declaration of conformity 0110 BROSA Rod end load cell_CZ
Declaration of conformity 0301 BROSA Pressure transducer_CZ
Declaration of conformity 0320 BROPA High pressure transducer_CZ
Declaration_of_conformity 0310 BROSA Pressure transducer abrasive mediums_CZ
Declaration of conformity 0101 Compression load cell_TR
Declaration of conformity 0111 BROSA Tension load cell_TR
Declaration of conformity 0201 BROSA force measuring pin_TR
Declaration of conformity 0203 BROSA force measuring pin Ex d_TR
Operating instructions
Betriebsanleitung 0110 BROSA Kraftmessstab
Betriebsanleitung 0111-0113 BROSA Kraftmesslasche
Betriebsanleitung 0120 BROSA Kraftmessring
Betriebsanleitung 0201-0203 BROSA Kraftmessachse
Betriebsanleitung 0205-0206 BROSA Kraftmesshülse
Betriebsanleitung 0207 BROSA Lagerkraftaufnehmer
Betriebsanleitung 0230 BROSA Kraftmessblock
Betriebsanleitung 0250 BROSA Normalkraftaufnehmer
Betriebsanleitung 0301-0310-0320 BROSA Druckaufnehmer
Betriebsanleitung 0401 BROSA Temperaturaufnehmer
Betriebsanleitung 0606 BROSA Verstärker im Gehäuse
Betriebsanleitung 0620 BROSA Grenzwertschalter
Betriebsanleitung 0656 FlexLim Safe Rev 2.9
Betriebsanleitung 0701 BROSA Drehmomentaufnehmer
Betriebsanleitung 0801 BROSA Winkelsteller
Betriebsanleitung 0804-0813 BROSA Winkelgeber
Betriebsanleitung 0910 BROSA Hubendschalter
Operating Manual 0101 BROSA Compression load cell
Operating Manual 0110 BROSA Rod end load cell.
Operating Manual 0111-0113 BROSA Tension load cell
Operating Manual 0120 BROSA Force sensor washer
Operating Manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin
Operating Manual 0205-0206 BROSA Tubular load cell
Operating Manual 0207 BROSA Bearing force transducer
Operating Manual 0210 BROSA Shear force transducer
Operating Manual 0230 BROSA Measuring block
Operating Manual 0250 BROSA Normal force transducer
Operating Manual 0301-0310-0320 BROSA Pressure transducer
Operating Manual 0401 BROSA Temperature Transducer
Operating Manual 0606 BROSA Amplifier in housing
Operating Manual 0620 BROSA Limit switch
Operating Manual 0656 FlexLim Safe Rev 2.9
Operating Manual 0701 BROSA Torque sensor
Operating Manual 0801 BROSA Angle transducer
Operating Manual 0804-0813 BROSA Angle sensor
Operating manual 0910 BROSA A-2-B switch
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_EST
Operating Manual 0301-0310-0320 BROSA Pressure transducer_EST
Operating manual 0101 BROSA Compression load cell_FI
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_FI
Operating manual 0606 BROSA Amplifier in housing_FI
Operating manual 0110 BROSA Rod end load cell_FR
Operating manual 0111-0113 BROSA Tension load cell_FR
Operating manual 0111-0113 BROSA Tension load cell_IT
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_IT
Operating manual 0804-0813 BROSA Angle sensor_IT
Operating manual 0111-0113 BROSA Tension load cell_NL
Operating manual 0120 BROSA Force sensor washer_NL
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_NL
Operating manual 0206 BROSA Tubular load cell_NL
Operating manual 0210 Shear force sensors_NL
Operating manual 0301-0310-0320 BROSA Pressure transducer_NL
Operating manual 0606 BROSA Amplifier in housing_NL
Operating manual 0804-0813 BROSA Angle sensor_NL
Operating manual 0910 BROSA A-2-B switch_NL
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measiuring pin_NO
Operating manual 0910 BROSA A-2-B switch_NO
Operating manual 0120 BROSA Force sensor washer_PL
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_SE
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_SLO
Operating manual 0111-0113 BROSA Tension load cell_ES
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_ES
Operating manual 0110 BROSA Rod end load cell_CZ
Operating manual 0301-0310-0320 BROSA Pressure transducer_CZ
Operating manual 0101 BROSA Compression load cell_TR
Operating manual 0111-0113 BROSA Tension load cell_TR
Operating manual 0201-0203 BROSA Force measuring pin_TR
Certificate 0120 BROSA Force Sensor Washer OIML R60-2000
Certificate 0201 BROSA Load Cell OIML R60-2000
Quality management
Certificate BROSA ATEX Quality Management System BVS 23 ATEX ZQS-E265
Certificate BROSA ATEX Quality Management System IECEx ZQS-E265
Certificate BROSA COMBI ISO 9001 - ISO 14001
Certificate BROSAtronic ISO 9001 Quality Management System
Ex Type examination certificates
Tension load cells
Certificate of Conformity 0113 BROSA Tension load cell IECEx BVS 15.0021
Type examination certificate 0113 BROSA Tension load cell BVS 10 ATEX E 156
Force measuring pins
Certificate of Conformity 0203 BROSA Load pin IECEx BVS 14.0110X
Type examination certificate 0203 BROSA Load pin BVS 09 ATEX E 137
Tubular load cell
Certificate of Conformity 0205 BROSA Tubular Load Cell IECEx BVS 24.0005X
Type examination certificate 0205 BROSA Tubular Load Cell BVS 24 ATEX E 003 X
Angle transmitter
Certificate of Conformity 0813 BROSA Angle sensor IECEx BVS 18.0040X
Type examination certificate 0803-0813 BROSA Angle transmitter BVS 05 ATEX E167 X
Certificate of Conformity BROSA Ex-i Sensor amplifier type ExDANGmicro2W IECEx BVS 16.0031
Type examination certificate BROSA Ex-i Sensor amplifier type ExDANGmicro2W BVS 16 ATEX E 041
Type examination certificate BROSA Ex-i Sensor amplifier type ExDodes BVS 03 ATEX E241
Certificate 0656 BROSA FlexLim Safe OIML R51-2006-REV
Certificate 0656 BROSA FlexLim Safe OIML R76-2006
Terms and Conditions
General purchase conditions
General sales conditions
Service for claims and repair
Questionnaire for repair inquiry